Virtual BYC : Big changes to the URC!

Simon Green
3 min readSep 28, 2020

Hello everyone — what a great day Friday was. The FOOD Club is getting really busy and lots of people are coming in to get a bit of extra help with their food shopping. AND, even more exciting the URC has seen some fascinating developments to the outdoor area that will be of great interest to any of our members.

The scene of the new game, and the first of the new plants goes in.

This is the new area outside the back door — what a transformation! Mo has been busy digging, nailing and bashing things into shape and has come up with this structure to help make the outside more interesting. And while we were there, a young boy whose Dad was at the FOOD Club, spotted the structure and wandered in for a run around on the planks.

This isn’t him, this is me being silly. Well, it was Friday.

Soon the young people of BS3 will be able to have a go and there are lots of other changes coming that will also be of interest. Take a look at the planting area and there’s going to be another growing area as well!

Thanks to Arthur and Nico for people the first young people back in the URC; they helped to do some planting, good to see them literally getting their hands dirty.

We were playing around with the tyres and appear to have invented a quoits-type game. Flinging tyres over wooden posts that were not designed for that. This is me, trying to film and fling at the same time.

It made me think of other items that aren’t used for the thing they were intended for. I just found out that WD-40 was originally designed for displacing water in nuclear missiles. Blimey. Animals are pretty good at this, think about birds nesting on mobile phone masts. If you can think of any more let me know.

Anyway, all this excitement is leading to even more excitement as there is a really important meeting this week that will lead to a decision about when we reopen for young people to return to the BYC at URC.

You’ll be the first to know. It’s bound to be very different, there’ll be a lot less of you and obviously some social distancing, hand sanitising and the like. So, it won’t be a case of returning to the old Youth Club, more a chance to get started slowly with something new. Still very exciting though!

Catch you next time, hopefully with more updates,




Simon Green

Food Club support worker and Lead Youth Worker at Bedminster Youth Club.